Membership Renewal


1-year membership fees are as follows:

Single: $7
Youth: $5
Two Party: $10
Additional Members: $2

GSFRB accepts members from states within its region.
YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD WILL BE SENT TO THIS ADDRESS, so please be sure to fill out the TOWN/CITY and POSTCODE so we can process your application. (You already selected the state.)
Members from 16 years and up may vote.
GSFRB requires applicants under 18 years old to provide a parent's name. GSFRB members of 16 years and older have voting rights.
You may list only the varieties for which you purposely breed.
You may have your information listed on the GSFRB website that will be visible only to other members.
Choose what you want to be posted on the Members List. (Only visible to members.)
By submitting this application for membership in the Georgia Silver Fox Rabbit Breeders (GSFRB) I acknowledge I have read and agree to abide by its Constitution & By-Laws.
reCAPTCHA is required.