Constitution Committee

Member 1

Member 2

The Constitution Committee shall review any proposed amendments received per Article X of the GSFRB Bylaws.

Auditing Committee

The Auditing Committee shall only convene at the request of either the President OR the Executive Board, in the event that there is a discrepancy or question regarding the funds of the club. Their duty shall be to make an audit as it is requested or required of the Treasurer books and make a report to the Board of Directors.

Election Committee

President OR VP (alternating years)

Member 2

The Election Committee shall prepare, distribute, receive, and count the ballots, tabulate and certify the results of any and all elections to the Board of Directors. No member of the Election Committee shall be eligible for election to any office while they are a member of the Election Committee.

Show Committee


Michael Petersen


Hannah Yost

Special Event Coordinator

Patty Konnick

The Show Committee shall work to secure bids for the bi-annual SESFRBC specialty shows. The committee will purchase awards with the approval of the Board of Directors for the annual show. They shall appoint a Show Secretary to keep track of paperwork, table write, and make sure all rabbits arrive at table in a timely manner on show days.

Sweeps Committee

Michael Petersen

Michael Daniel

The Sweeps Committee will handle the compilation & awards for the year end club sweepstakes.

Newsletter Committee


The Newsletter Committee is responsible for editing & distribution of the regularly scheduled club newsletters as per the Constitution & Bylaws.

Fundraising Committee

Victoria Rowland

Member 2

The Fundraising Committee is responsible for planning, coordinating, and hosting fundraising events that directly benefit the club.